Xenbase Track Hub instructions

Our data can be browsed using a new track data hub for the UCSC browser. Do the following to use this track hub:

1. Visit the UCSC genome browser
2. Click the button "track hubs"
3. Select the tab "My Hubs"
4. Copy-paste the following URL in the text box: ftp://xenbaseturbofrog.org/sequence_information/RIMLS-SVH/ChIP-seq_Feb2015/hub.txt
5. Click "Add Hub"
6. Within 10 seconds it should take you to the genome selection page again for the genome browser, if it doesn't click on 'Genomes' at the top
6. In the "Group" drop-down menu (to the left of the search box, where you normally select "Mammal" or "Vertebrate"), select the Xenbase Track Hub group
7. Select the Xenopus genome and assembly of interest
8. Click 'configure tracks and display' button
9. Turn on and modify whichever tracks you would like to display in the browser, then click 'submit' button to view them