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organogenesis of the kidney- how embryonic organs form


Additional kidney references:

Peter D. Vize, Kyle E. McCoy and Zhou, X. (2009) Multichannel wholemount fluorescent and fluorescent/ chromogenic in situ hybridization of Xenopus embryos. Nature Protocols 4: 975-983

Lyons, J.P., Miller, R.K., Zhou, X., Weidinger, G., Denayer, T., Park, J-I., Ji, H., Deroo, T., Jones, E.A. Moon, R.T., Vleminckx, K., Vize, P.D. and McCrea, P.D. (2009) Canonical wnt signaling is required for pronephric tubule development. Mechanisms of Development 126, 142-159.

McCoy, K., Zhou, X., and Vize, P.D. (2008). Collectrin/tmem27 is expressed at high levels in all segments of the developing Xenopus pronephric nephron and in the Wolffian duct. Gene Exp. Patterns, 8: 271-274.

Urban, A., Zhou, X. Ungoss, J., Raible, D.W., Altmann, C.R. and Vize, P.D. (2006). FGF is essential for both condensation and mesenchymal-epithelial transition stages of pronephric kidney tubule development.. Developmental Biology 297, 103-117.

Zhou, X. and Vize, P.D. (2005a). Amino acid cotransporter SLC3A2 is selectively expressed in the early proximal segment of Xenopus pronephric kidney nephrons. MOD Gene Exp. Patterns, 5: 774-777.

Gerth, V.E., Zhou, X. and Vize, P.D. (2005). Nephrin expression and 3D morphogenesis of the Xenopus pronephric glomus. Developmental Dynamics, 233: 1131-1139.

Zhou, X. and Vize, P.D. (2005b). Pronephric regulation of acid-base balance; coexpression of carbonic anhydrase type 2 and sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter-1 in the late distal segment. Developmental Dynamics, 232: 142-144.

Zhou, X. and Vize, P.D. (2004). Proximo-distal specialization of epithelial transport processes within the Xenopus pronephric tubules. Developmental Biology 271: 322-338.

Vize, P.D. and Smith, H.W. (2004). A Homeric view of kidney evolution. Anatomical Record 277: 344-354.

Vize, P.D., Carroll., T.J. and Wallingfrod, J.B. (2003). Induction, development and physiology of the pronephric tubules. In The Kidney: From Normal Development to Congenital Disease. Peter D. Vize, Adrian S. Woolf & Jonathan Bard (Editors). Academic Press, San Diego.

Hallgr’msson, B, Benediktsson, H & Vize, P.D. (2003) Anatomy and histology of the human urinary system. In The Kidney: From Normal Development to Congenital Disease. Peter D. Vize, Adrian S. Woolf & Jonathan Bard (Editors). Academic Press, San Diego.

Vazquez, M.D., Bouchet, P. and Vize, P.D. (2003). 3-Dimensional anatomy of mammalian mesonephroi. In The Kidney: From Normal Development to Congenital Disease. Peter D. Vize, Adrian S. Woolf & Jonathan Bard (Editors). Academic Press, San Diego.

Vize, P.D. (2003). The embryonic kidneys and other nephrogenic models. In The Kidney: From Normal Development to Congenital Disease. Peter D. Vize, Adrian S. Woolf & Jonathan Bard (Editors). Academic Press, San Diego.

Seufert, D.W., Brennan, H., DeGuire, J., Jones, E.A. and Vize, P.D. (1999). Developmental basis of pronephric defects in Xenopus body plan phenotypes. Developmental Biology 215: 233-242.

Carroll, T.J. and Vize, P.D. (1999) Synergism between Pax-8 and lim-1 in embryonic kidney development. Developmental Biology 214: 46-59.

Carroll, T.J., Wallingford, J.B. and Vize, P.D. (1999). Dynamic patterns of gene expression in the developing pronephros of Xenopus laevis. Developmental Genetics , 24: 199-207.

Carroll, T.J., Wallingford, J.B., Seufert, D.W. and Vize, P.D. (1999). Molecular regulation of pronephric development. Current Topics in Developmental Biology . 44: 67-100.

Wallingford, J.B., Carroll, T.J. and Vize, P.D. (1998). Precociuos expression of the Wilms' tumor gene xWT1 inhibits embryonic kidney development in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Biology, 202: 103-112.

Carroll, T.J. and Vize, P.D. (1996) The Wilms' tumor suppressor gene is involved in the development of disparate kidney forms: evidence from expression in the Xenopus pronephros. Developmental Dynamics 206: 131-138.

Vize, P.D., Jones, E.A. and Pfister, R. (1995) Development of the Xenopus pronephros. Devel. Biol. 171, 531-540.