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Our group runs the Xenopus model organism database, Xenbase. This DB integrates developmental and genomic data on frog development. It is presently a DB2/websphere implementation running on linux. It includes a diverse range of information ranging from gene sequences, scientific literature, images, movies, anatomy and more. We are presently developing a detailed anatomical and developmental ontology to bridge these different data forms and enhance high-level querying. This database implemented a unique community based data annotation system and has many innovative features.

More info:

  • the Xenopus model organism database
  •, our db2 database of 3d gene expression patterns using UV mapping
    (use firefox with a shockwave plugin)

Visit the Xenopus database front end

Key references:

  • Hellsten, U, Harland, R.M., Gilchrist, M.J., Hendrix, D., Jurka, J., Kapitonov, V., Ovcharenko, I., Putnam, N.H., Shu, S., Taher, L, Blitz, I.L., Blumberg, B., Dichmann, D.S., Dubchak, I., Amaya, E., Detter, J.C., Fletcher, R., Gerhard, D.S., Goodstein, D., Graves, T., Grigoriev, I.V., Grimwood, .J, Kawashima, T., Lindquist, E., Lucas, S.M., Mead, P.E., Mitros, T., Ogino, H., Ohta, Y., Poliakov, A.V., Pollet, N., Robert, J., Salamov, A., Sater, A.K., Schmutz, J., Terry, A., Vize, P.D., Warren, W.C., Wells, D., Wills, A., Wilson, R.K., Zimmerman, L.B., Zorn, A.M., Grainger, R., Grammer, T., Khokha, M.K., Richardson, P.M. and Rokhsar, D.S. (2010) The genome of the western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis. Science 328: 633-636.
  • Jeff B. Bowes, Kevin A. Snyder, Erik Segerdell, Chris J. Jarabek, Kenan Azam, Aaron M. Zorn and Peter D. Vize (2010). Xenbase: Gene expression and improved integration. Nucl. Acids Res. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp953
  • Segerdell, E., Bowes, J.B., Pollet, N. and Vize, P.D. (2008) The Xenopus Anatomical Ontology: a comprehensive map of development in a model vertebrate. BMC Developmental Biology 2008, 8: 92-98.
  • Bowes, J.B., Snyder, K.. Segerdell, E., Gibb, R., Jarabek, C., Noumen, E., Pollet, N. and Vize, P.D. (2008). Xenbase: a Xenopus biology and genomics resource. Nucl. Acids. Res. 36: D761-D767.
  • Vize, P.D. and Gerth, V.E. (2007). Adaptation of videogame UVW mapping to 3D visualization of gene expression patterns. Proc. SPIE, in press.
  • Gerth, V.E., Katsuyama, K., Snyder, K., Bowes, J.B., Kitayama, A., Ueno, N. and Vize, P.D. (2007) Projecting 2D gene expression data into 3 and 4D space. Devel. Dynamics, 236: 1036-1043.
  • Gerth, V.E., Zhou, X. and Vize, P.D. (2005). Nephrin expression and 3D morphogenesis of the Xenopus pronephric glomus. Developmental Dynamics, 233: 1131-1139
  • Gerth, V.E. and Vize, P.D. (2004). A Java tool for dynamic web-based 3D visualization of anatomy and overlapping gene or protein expression patterns. Bioinformatics, (see PubMed).
  • Vize, P.D. (2004). Internet tools for cell and developmental biologists. In "The Internet for Molecular Biologists", R.Horton and C. Sansom Eds. The Practical Approach Series, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199638888
  • Bowes, J.B. and Vize, P.D. (2003). Xenopus informatics. Current Genomics 4: 653-664
  • Vize, P.D. (2001). On-line analysis of development. Bioessays, 23: 549-554

Example of one of the 14,000 gene records generated by Xenbase