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Surface reconstructions of Xenopus Eye using the VRML file format
by Victor Gerth 2002/2003 for Dr. Peter Vize
University of Calgary, Canada
Xenopus Eye as a Colored Leafy Stack

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The Colored Leafy Stack (Explained) Utilizing an image stack, volume data is modeled into stacks of displaced elevation surfaces. For every image in the stack an elevation surface is created with each surface having an elevation coordinate which matches the volume data. Every pixel is evaluated for incorporation into the elevation surface. If a pixel value falls within an predeterimined threshold value, it is incorporated into the elevation surface as a quad(two adjacent triangles which share their longest edge). The vertices (also known as control vertices or knots) are assigned the pixel value extracted from the image. Additionally, the vertices are then assigned a new z elevation based on their new color value. This new Z elevation is determined based on the color depth of the pixel and size of the optical slice. The quad is also assigned an opacity value based on its corresponding pixel value.

The Colored Leafy Stack(Pro Argument)

Once a Colored Leafy Stack has been generated it is relativley easy to reconstruct the image stack without data loss (excluding data intentionally omitted during surface construction).

The Colored Leafy Stack displays the original pixel data within a three dimensional model.

The Z elevation of each elevation surface can be based on the depth of an optical slice (confocal microscopy.)

Because the elevation surface can exclude unvalued pixels, each elevation surface contains an outlined surface area of the valued pixels. (useful for spline based modeling)

The Colored Leafy Stack(Drawbacks)

It is possible to omit pixel values which were contained in the original data.

The dimensionality of a surface plane only allows for one elevation possibility per pixel.

Data sets are rather large because a single pixel value is assigned four times due to the quadratic nature of the elevation surface. (A good canidate for improvement)

This implementation of The Colored Leafy Stack

3D Studio Max's scripting language was used in this implementation of The Colored Leafy Stack. Due to the computational time requirements to complete an entire stack, the volume was considerably downsampled.