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Surfacing Experiments Page
Surface reconstructions of Xenopus Eye using the VRML file format
by Victor Gerth 2002/2003 for Dr. Peter Vize
University of Calgary, Canada
Relaxed Cubit reconstruction of Xenopus Eye

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Relaxed Cubit Xenopus Eye Reconstruction Surface was generated in the same manner as the transparent cubit but with the addition of surface relaxation modification. when relaxing the surface model the original location of each vertex is repositioned to the average location of its neighbors.

See Also
Colored Transparent Cubit
Relaxed Cubit (Implementation)
This surfacing example was implemented using 3D Studio Max Script and 3D studio Max. The Volume Data was considerably downsampled. The model was polygonally generated using the cubit surface technique. An Edit patch modifier was added with a relaxation value of 1.