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Surface reconstructions of Xenopus Eye using the VRML file format
by Victor Gerth 2002/2003 for Dr. Peter Vize
University of Calgary, Canada
Colored Solid Cubit reconstruction of Xenopus Eye

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Colored Solid Cubit Xenopus Eye Reconstruction To generate this surface every pixel must be evaluated. If a pixel falls within a value threshold, 6 additional tests are performed. Each test evaluates a neighboring pixel. (the 4 surrounding pixels on the same image, as well as the pixel with the same coordinate on the previous and next image.) If these pixels are not within the pixel value threshold then a quad (two polygons sharing their longest edge) is created between the first evaluated pixel and the pixel evaluated in the subsequent test. Then the quad is colored to match the pixel value. This technique may or may not be the same as the "Lego" surface which generates similar looking surfaces.
See Also
Colored Transparent Cubit
Colored Solid Cubit (Implementation)
This surfacing example was implemented using 3D Studio Max Script. The Volume Data was considerably downsampled