As they become available, updated models, new movies (alternative color combinations etc.) will be posted here for the manuscript:

Nephrin expression and 3D morphogenesis of the Xenopus pronephric glomus

by Victor E. Gerth, Xiaolan Zhou and Peter D. Vize

Fluorescent in situ hybridization of nephrin (green) and NaKATPase (blue or red) in Xenopus laevis embryos of various stages.


New Model Change Link
Stage 26-G   26-G.mpg
Stage 33_BG   33_BG.mpg
Stage 33-G   33-G.mpg
Stage 33-RG   33-RG.mpg
Stage 35-G   35-G.mpg
Stage 35-RG   35-RG.mpg
Stage 35-BG   35-BG.mpg
Stage 38-BG   38-BG.mpg
Stage 38-G   38-G.mpg
Stage 38-RG   38-RG.mpg
Stage 39-G   39-G.mpg